The Great Wealth Transfer: Managing Your Inheritance Wisely
We are in the midst of one of the most substantial intergenerational transfers of wealth in history. Referred to as the “Great Wealth Transfer,” it is expected to continue for another couple of decades. Baby boomers are the primary source of the wealth being...
IRS: Request an IP PIN to Protect Against Identity Theft
In 2023, consumers across the United States lost a total of more than $10 billion to fraud, according to the Federal Trade Commission. More than a million of them were victims of identity theft, with reports of these and other types of scams up from the previous year....
Virtual Reality and Palliative Care
You’re walking along a coastline where forest meets sea. You hear the rhythm of crashing waves and see gulls swooping down from a crystal blue sky. A light breeze ruffles your jacket. You take a deep breath of the salty, pungent air and watch as a foaming wave washes...