Don’t Wait Until You’re Sick to Create an Estate Plan
In the wake of the pandemic, rising inflation, mass shooting tragedies, and other events, more people recognize that they need to plan for the future. Yet while financial planning has been at the top of many Americans’ minds, a vast majority of people have stalled in...
When Should I Include a Pour Over Will in My Estate Plan?
In creating an estate plan, you are proactively taking steps to ensure that your assets will be distributed according to your wishes in the wake of your death. One tool available to you in estate planning is known as a trust. There are numerous kinds of trusts. If you...
What Does Having Power of Attorney With Dual Agents Mean?
A power of attorney is among one of the most important incapacity planning documents you can have. It designates someone you trust with taking care of your affairs if you become unable to do so. In a power of attorney, you give one or more trusted people of your...